CBD Oil for Dogs Canada

Are you looking for CBD Oil for Dogs in Canada? Then you have come to the right place to do so!

How Does CBD Oil for Dogs Canada Work?

Buy CBD Oil Canada products all have the medical benefits you seek, giving you the pure benefits of CBD.

This ensures that our CBD oil for dogs products will help strengthen your pet’s immune system, health, pain relief, and much more.

At our Buy CBD store, you can get quality CBD products for your furry little animals. We ship Canada-wide and also offer FREE Shipping for orders over $145.

CBD Oil For Dogs Overview

There is still much more research that has to be done with CBD and its products. However, there has been proven evidence of how it can help treat a variety of conditions including pain and anxiety.

With our CBD for Pets product selection, feel free to browse our leading brands for treating your dog’s conditions. We are also currently looking to add more products to our selection so keep a lookout for that!

CBD and It’s Effect on Dogs

We all want the best for our furry puppies/dogs. So what should you do if your dog is experiencing certain symptoms that require a CBD product to relieve its anguish?

You would be pleased to know that CBD Oil for dogs has no side effects. However, it is wise to monitor your dog more closely if they are also taking another form of medication.

Although medical research on CBD oil for pets is hard to come by, there are many Canadians who are currently using it for their dogs. In fact, based on my own personal experience, it has helped my dog relieve its anxiety and he seems to be loving it!


It is important to point out one major difference between THC and CBD, both which can be found in the marijuana plant.

With THC, those  who use it will experience the feeling of euphoria, making you “high.” With CBD, you will not experience any of this at all. However, both products will provide you with medicinal benefits.

As for your pet dogs, THC can actually be harmful to them. So it is vital to not feed them products with this cannabinoid. Keep THC away from your pet dogs!

How Much CBD Can I Feed My Dog?

This is a frequently asked question, due to the reason that Health Canada does not have an optimal CBD dosage guide for dogs.

The good news is that nothing bad will happen if you accidentally give your dogs too much CBD. However, just keep in mind that too much of anything is never a good thing.

An example can be when we eat fruits. They are supposed to be healthy for us. However, eating too much can make you gassy and even bloat up.

Using an oral dropper such as our Mary’s Small Dog Tincture is by far the fastest way to feed CBD to your dogs. It is extremely easy to use, where you can simply drip the oil right into your dog’s food.

If you have any questions at all about our products, don’t hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

CBD Oil For Dogs: Frequently Asked Questions

The following are some FAQ that we get the most. To provide you with the best service possible, we have compiled them in the list below.

Question: Is there a difference between CBD oils and CBD for pets? Will both work to feed my dog?

Answer: Yes, both these products can be fed to your dogs without any negative side effects. Just remember not to feed any products containing THC to your pets for safety reasons.

With CBD products, you can help ease the symptoms of your dogs. If your puppy gets nervous during car rides, keeping CBD treats close to you will be a good idea to calm your pet’s nerves.

In summary, feed CBD to your pets. NOT THC.

Question: How strong of a CBD product should I get my dog?

Answer: Just like how we have many different kinds of potency for our cannabis products, CBD for dogs is the exact same way.

As a general rule, smaller dogs will have a lower tolerance than larger dogs. So, if your dog weighs around the 5 to 25-pound range, we recommend a 125-250mg CBD oil product for them. If they are medium size, they can use a 500mg CBD product. For larger dogs, 75 pounds and above, a 1000mg CBD product will work best.

If you have a larger dog, you don’t want to be giving them a low CBD dosage either, as this will provide little to no effect to their body.

In summary:

Smaller dog = 125 – 250mg CBD 

Medium dog = 500mg CBD

Larger dog = 1000mg CBD

Question: Is it actually true that CBD will not have bad side effects?

Answer:  Yes, there are no negative side effects of eating too much CBD. However, as with anything, do not give your dogs too much CBD at once. The worst thing that can happen is your pet dog might experience an upset tummy.

To prevent this, you can start your dog off slowly with CBD, letting them get used to the product and gradually increase its CBD dosage.

Where To Buy CBD Oil for Dogs Canada

At Buy CBD Oil Canada, we have made it our mission to carry only the best CBD brands to Canadians. With our free shipping options on orders over $145, don’t miss out on premium products in the market.